Should you do a grandkids photo session with the grand and great grandparents? Yes, always yes! This is SO sweet… I get emotional looking at these sweet photos knowing the magnitude of the memories packed into these images. What a gift, to be able to savor such memories and seasons with different generations. I think about my own great grandparents, who I only knew as an infant, and how I so wish I had the opportunity to know them, hug them, ask them questions, and spend time with them. It is such a treat for me to be able to capture these moments for this family!
I love Val and Joe’s relationship with their grandkids. You can just feel the love, joy, and respect they all have for one another in these moments. Generational photos can be incredible gifts to extended family members, parents, grandparents, in-laws, or immediate family! Not only are these timeless memories for the adults of the family, but also meaningful heirlooms for the kiddos as they grow older and start their own families. I know the idea of photos with littles can feel daunting and may be what is standing between you and getting the photos done; but, I promise, it is so worth the effort. Not to mention, I have lots of experience working with littles and so many of my families walk away from our time together saying “Oh, the kids were a lot more pleasant than I expected,” “the kids had so much fun!” or “I’m so pleased with the kids!” I’m telling ya… we’ll make this as pain free as possible for your kiddos, so much so that they may even have some fun — that’s the goal! Even if it is an off day… the memories of the season will be what is cherished for many, many years to come. These photos will serve as memories and gifts for many generations.
So.. I use this opportunity as encouragement to take the leap and get the photos taken. My system is designed to make it as painless and efficient as possible, leaving you only with joyful memories and photos.