Family photos against camelback mountain in scottsdale, az

Nestled in the heart of Scottsdale, Arizona, against the picturesque backdrop of Camelback Mountain in McCormick Ranch, we gathered for a super sweet family session. It was a special occasion—a double celebration marking both the family gathering together and the engagement of Ali and Hayden. With Emily and Miley, the South Dakota duo, in town for the festivities, and their four-legged companion Goose in tow, the greenbelt became a canvas for capturing the warmth, love, and excitement that filled the air.

The chosen location, the greenbelt in McCormick Ranch, held sentimental meaning for the Smith Family. This spot, particularly the fountain area, was not only Patty's favorite spot in Arizona but also held a unique connection to the family's history. It is also where Hayden's parents had gotten engaged!!! The decision to capture the family photos at this spot added a layer of nostalgia and continuity to this fam's story.

The weather, though cloudy, contributed to the cozy ambiance of the day. The occasional rays of sunshine breaking through the clouds cast a soft, diffused glow, creating a natural and heartwarming atmosphere. The greenbelt, however, was bustling with activity. Joggers, cyclists, and fellow families enjoying the holiday filled the space. Yet, the lively energy of the surroundings only added to the vibrancy of the family portraits and we were able to grab pockets of open space to photograph without photo-bombers - by looking at these photos you would never know just how busy it was!

It was a true joy to capture photos for the Smith's!

Scottsdale Family Photographer
Scottsdale Family Photographer
Scottsdale Family Photographer
Scottsdale Family Photographer
Arizona Family Photos
Arizona Family Photos
Arizona Family Photos
Arizona Family Photos
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